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The Difference Between Quartz Slab And Quartzite Slab

Views: 7     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2020-10-27      Origin: Site

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Without a second thought, you may quickly run to the conclusion that quartz and quartzite are the same things, especially when looking at their names.


Well, in case you had already done that, sorry to say that these two materials have a world of difference between themselves.


And when looking at quartz slab, it has become the most favorite material for countertops and other parts of homes for many homeowners due to their high-quality and outstanding properties.


So, cooperating with a reputable manufacturer is the best way to invest in the best product when you need a quartz slab.


Without much ado, let’s go straight into the real deal as we draw the line of demarcation between quartz and quartzite as different countertop surfaces.

 The Difference Between Quartz Slab And Quartzite Slab

Main Difference Between Quartz and Quartzite

1. Natural vs Artificial

Among the differences existing between quartz and quartzite, the most outstanding is the fact that quartz is an engineered material while quartzite is a natural stone.


During the formation of quartzite, they usually begin in the form of sandstone, and through a natural process involving heating and pressure, they are mixed with some sparkly quartz crystals that finally gives rise to quartzite.


More so, quartzite is usually formed in the shades of light grey and white, although some minerals present in the stone can give rise to a golden, pinkish, or even reddish-brown coloration.

 The Difference Between Quartz Slab And Quartzite Slab-

In the case of quartz, although it is still made from the same crystals as seen in quartzite, during the manufacturing process, it is an artificial process that is used in binding the crystals with resins, other minerals such as chips of glass and pigments.


Once all of these are done, the resultant product is a non-porous quart slab, with a wide variety of colors, and very durable.


2. Stylistic Differences

Another major area of difference between quartzite and quartz is in the stylistic differences that exist between both.


Due to the delicate veining pattern as well as similar coloration as found in most granites, quartzite is usually mistaken for granite or marble.


For this reason, most homeowners need a countertop with a natural look, and will support lots of movement will always choose quartzite as the perfect alternative.


On the flip side, quartz can be engineered to take up the look, style, and design of any stone, and they come in different patterns and shades.


For this reason, most people who need a customized countertop with a unique or similar pattern that is consistent throughout their space would always go for a quartz slab.


3. Need for maintenance and Durability

Another area of a major difference between quartzite and quartz is in maintenance requirement and durability of each material. As mentioned earlier, the binding process of quartz is done in such a way that quartz is very durable.


This high level of durability comes from the fact that during the binding process, there is usually room for the extraction of air, and this leads to quartz is very hard, non-porous, and resistant to chippings, bacteria and even scratching.


On the other hand, quartzite is also hard but not to be compared to quartz, and they are less dense, and can easily be stained by other materials, especially when used in areas of high activities.


For these reasons, quartzite is usually sealed to prevent stains from affecting the surface, while quartz slab usually requires little or zero maintenance.


Cooperate with us for High-Quality Quartz Slab

Do you need to make durable countertop materials to withstand the pressure of time and various activities? If yes, you can choose our Viva quartz stone


Kindly click here to buy the best products in the industry from us, and you’ll be glad that you invested your hard-earned money in the right place.  

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